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Protest against cruise ships in Norway

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Protest in Norway against tourism generated by cruise ships is growing after posters have appeared in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, and Flåm, to say no to cruise ships, together with a campaign on social networks.

"You have just arrived in my hometown on a floating block of flats that burns my asphalt due to propulsion - reads one of the messages - The ship you got off is registered in some rogue state or in an offshore register to exempt them by all our laws on taxes, environmental protection, and workers' rights ”.

According to the association promoting the protest, “cruises are a particular problem in Bergen and Stavanger, where tourists systematically flood the city center. We ask the government to permanently ban cruise ships by allocating passenger terminals to something more useful and respectful of the environment ”.

The association then denied being responsible for the dozens of posters containing insults against cruise passengers: "We are a peaceful movement ".

A spokesperson for Clia commented: “Our companies work closely with local communities and governments in ports and destinations around the world to offer sustainable tourism. Cruise tourism brings joy to millions of passengers and enormous social and economic benefits for communities, particularly in coastal and often remote regions ”.

Norway is not the only destination where cruise ships have proved indigestible to some local residents. Similar protests have also spread to the Balearic Islands and Barcelona, even if the most famous "no ships" movement is undoubtedly the one born in Venice.