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All Filipino Crew of Diamond Princess Recovers from Covid-19

The 80 Filipino crew members of the cruise ship Diamond Princess who earlier tested positive for COVID-19 after disembarking the vessel in Yokohama, Japan have all recovered, said the Philippine embassy in Tokyo.

Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Robespierre Bolivar announces on Wednesday that “All Filipino crew of Diamond Princess who have been admitted to hospital have already been successfully treated, discharged, and repatriated as of yesterday, March 31,”

The last Filipino crew member was discharged from a hospital in Japan on Tuesday.

Diamond Princess was quarantined at the port of Yokohama on February 5 after one of its passengers later tested positive after disembarking the ship. 

After the imposed quarantine by the Japanese government, a total of 445 Filipino crew aboard the cruise ship who tested negative for the virus was repatriated with charter flights on February 26.