The cruise ship Carnival Breeze fail to pass the recent USPH Inspection. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Inspectors boarded the vessel on December 10, at the port of Galveston, Texas, and found multiple violations reports Cruise Law News. Several crew members have announced that the final score was 77. An 85 or lower score on the CDC's 100-point inspection scale is considered failing grade. Crew members onboard say that the failing score was because inspectors found trolley with food inside lockers, then they check crew cabins (cooks, waiters), there was also food and equipment from the galley. That was major funding.
The failing score is highly unusual for Breeze because the vessel has not received a score less than 90 since joining Carnival Cruise Line fleet in 2012. Now the ship’s crew are required to take corrective actions and new inspection will follow within 30 to 45 days.
This is fourth Carnival cruise ship this year to fail USPH inspection. Carnival Legend fail to pass the USPH Inspection in April with a score of 83 points, and Carnival Paradise in June. The latest cruise ship which fail to pass the inspection was Carnival Triumph with 78 points on November 11, while the vessel was berthed in New Orleans, Louisiana.