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Carnival Vista Passes USPH Inspection With 89 Points

Carnival Cruise Line’s ship Carnival Vista has passed the recent United States Public Health Inspection (USPH) conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The unannounced USPH inspection took place on December 16, 2018, at the ship’s homeport Galveston, Texas. Vista passed the inspection with a score of 89 points (just four points above the failing score of 85). The final score is not yet published on the CDC website however several crew members confirmed the news.

Over the past year, Carnival Vista has received low USPH scores including one failing score of only 79 points on December 2, 2017, when inspectors found crew members hiding food and galley equipment in crew areas and cabins.

After the failing grade, the ship was re-inspected at the port of Miami on January 27, 2018, but managed to score only 88 points, barely passing the inspection. This time among other violations inspectors found excessively cracked and chipped trays and other service equipment. The USPH reports says that significant violations in the potwash area and warewash clean storage areas were noticed probably because of lack of management control in the main galley. Other equipment was also in a bad shape which was unusual considering the fact that Vista joined the fleet in 2016.

During the inspection on June 30, 2018, Vista received solid 92 points and it seemed that the ship is doing well and on the right track to continue improving the score. However the last score proved the opposite.
