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Celebrity Infinity crew member sent to hospital for testing

Celebrity Infinity crew member was recently disembarked from the cruise ship and sent to hospital for testing. As a precaution measure from the Miami Head Office starting today, all public areas will be closed for the crew and all crew activities have been suspended until further notice. 

Following the disembarkation of the crew member, an announcement was made thru the ships PA system:

“We recently disembarked a crew member who has been sent to hospital for testing. We are still waiting for the results of this testing, but until further notice, we’ve been advised by the head office to stop all crew activities, and encourage you to not meet in a large gathering. We encourage you to wash, wash your hands, and stay safe and healthy.” 

Celebrity Infinity is currently at anchor near the Port of Tampa Florida. After disembarking all passengers the crew was given access to all public areas, some guest dining venues, specialty restaurants, as well as 24 hours unlimited internet. The ship management also arranged daily crew activities across the ship.

Celebrity Cruises has implemented rigorous cleaning and disinfection standards which are executed on a daily basis by the shipboard personnel to keep each and every crew member stay safe and healthy.
