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Costa Mediterranea sets sail for Brindisi to pick up Filipino and Indonesian crew from Costa Fortuna

The first phase of Costa Mediterranea plan to transfer Filipino and Indonesian crew from Costa Pacifica, as well as debarking the European crew, was completed successfully. After arriving at the port of La Spezia, on April 10, Costa Mediterranea received 408 crew from Costa Pacifica, and at the same time, 221 crew debarked the ship and transferred to Costa Pacifica. The vessel set sail from La Spezia on April,13 and is heading to the port of Brindisi, Italy.

According to the company’s plan, Costa Mediterranea is scheduled to arrive at the port of Brindisi on April 16, where the ship will transfer Filipino and Indonesian crew from Costa Fortuna, which are not requested for operational reasons or maintain minimum safety of the vessel.

Upon completing the second phase, Costa Mediterranea will set sail on a long journey to the Philippines and Indonesia to repatriate the crew back home.

Related story: Costa to repatriate Filipino and Indonesian crew on Costa Mediterranea

Costa Mediterranea will be sailing from Brindisi to the Far East to reach the final destination the port of Shanghai. The arrival to Indonesia and the Philippines is estimated in mid-May. Once reaching these destinations Costa Cruises will have coordinated debarkation in cooperation with the local government and the managing agencies to ensure everyone can reach home safely. All three ships included in the repatriation plan are safe with no positive case of COVID-19, the company said.