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Crew Aboard Five Cruise Ships in Brazil Receive COVID-19 Booster Shot

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Cruise Lines International Association - CLIA Brazil, has announced that the crew onboard the five cruise ships anchored off the coast of Santos have received coronavirus booster shot. As part of the cruise lines policy and adoption of mandatory core elements of a strong set of health protocols, all crew members need to receive the 3rd dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The vaccination started on February 3, with the crew on board MSC Splendida, followed by MSC Preziosa on February 5. The crew of the Costa Diadema, Costa Fascinosa, and MSC Seaside also received the booster shot.

According to CLIA, the booster doses were made available by the Ministry of Health, based on a joint effort between Clia Brasil and the City of Santos.

"We are grateful for the efforts and attention of the Ministry of Health in assisting us and ensuring this reinforcement in the protection of crew members, essential professionals for the cruise sector, and also for the work of the City of Santos in facilitating the logistics of the application of the vaccine," said Marco Ferraz, President of Clia Brasil, 

The five ships currently anchored in the Port of Santos, are waiting to resume cruises after the Brazilian cruise season was temporarily put on hold due to the surge of the Covid-19 cases.

As the surge of the Omicron variant winds down, Clia Brasil is ready for eventual resumption of voyages on February 18. 

On January 3, Clia Brasil announced the first voluntary suspension, initially scheduled to return on January 21. Afterward, the pause was extended until February 18. 

A crew member on board MSC Preziosa said that the ship stop operating on January 5, and the crew was quarantined for almost a month. “Now we don’t have positive cases on board, but we haven't restarted yet. ANVISA is not allowing us to restart the ship till further notice. Onboard all crew got Pfizer booster vaccine. We are working 8 hours a day and all crew is getting a full salary” the crew member added.