I was still at Costa Fortuna when I’ve heard that Costa Smeralda will be the next ship I'm going to conquer. It's not easy for me to decide whether to go for it and worst comes worst or to turned down the offer. While enjoying the vacay and having hard times in deciding whether Costa Smeralda is for me or not. It was indeed a great challenge to face this mysterious Costa Smeralda. Nevertheless, I made the right decision then.
I was able to be in Finland on Oct. 19. It was so damn cold! I didn't expected it anyway. Feel like im gettin' a lockjaw. It was then the autumn season period. And I was struck and amazed on the falling leaves. Just like my feelings it falls voluntarily lols. kidding inside. The ship is still on its beautification process yo be the world's best costa. Anyway staying at the hotel is mindboggling anyway haha joke! We've learned a lot of things about the rules and regulations inside the ship. In this way, they are preparing us to be high caliber, an asset seafarer of Costa Smeralda. Our arrangement then was were just going to the ship if we have duty and take note its not just outside our doors its 56 km. away from the hotel.
November 16 it was the time wherein they tried the Costa Smeralda ship to travel for the first time. and it was an honor and privilege to be one of those who will stay and witnessed the most awaited time for Costa Smeralda and finally we've decided to stay at the ship for good.
I belong to the amazing, bravest and greatest department. None other than the HK dept. It's not easy to be part of this dept. You need to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit because yoyr going to clean and keep tidy all inside and out of the ship. And this chores are just easy because we've got bosses who support us in every endeavor, motivates us if we felt down and providing everything we need, though sometimes they are shouting because there's something wrong but I considered ut as if they are just singing and hitting the highest note lol.
And just so proud to be chosen as one to be part of this ship and here we are ready to launch and open the world's next greatest ship COSTA SMERALDA. I witnessed wide crew party, inaugural events, the inspection procedure, baptism of the ship and many more activities which i cannot mention. The experience is priceless. It's not easy! I must say it is really hard but its worth the wait and body pains, sleepless nights and many more. And one thing i am sure of. I won't regret the time I have decided to CONQUER and face my greatest fear and that is to enter COSTA SMERALDA.
Though in times like this, we are all aware of it the pandemic crisis COVID-19 we are experiencing right now. Thanks to our captain paolo who always updates us, to all crew who are on duty to provide our needs, to the ship's doctor and his team never get tired in going to every cabin to check our health. I love and i am very much dedicated to my work but I have to consider things that may risk my own health that might risk others' health too. Though my contract was still valid I have to go home for the meantime for the sake of the crew and our precious jewel COSTA SMERALDA. it's hard to say goodbye because i am used to be with you guys! The jolly moments we've been sharing together the bond that binds us, the laughter and craziness we've shared.
Special mention to a guy who is hiding and don't want to be verified for all the guidance and support through sun and rain. To our energetic and young-looking manager Mr. Vincent Braganza. Thank you for trusting us. Opening a ship is really hard, but with all your efforts, initiative and guidance, WE MADE IT., To our supportive asst. managers, Rene, Breston, Elvis, Michael, and Amsari and supervisors, my snappiest salute, i saw the real meaning of leaders! In you. Simply you lead and show the way. To my colleagues get up stand up, keep fighting. We will sail again. Roxette for being a real friend. Saying thank you won't be enough how grateful i am to be part of this team! I will always be forever grateful. This CONTRACT with COSTA SMERALDA is one of the finest journey i will forever treasure! CIAO GUYS!
Crew Insights
Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.