A cruise director of the British cruise ship M.S. Serenissima was attacked and robbed of his belongings yesterday March 30, in Georgetown, Guyana.
According to the local media, the crime took place in the early morning hours on Lombard Street when the 40-year-old Cruise Director Neil Horrocks was returning to the cruise ship after visiting a popular nightspot. Shortly after he exited the taxi, he was assaulted by two men who demanded that he hand over his belongings. The attackers made their escape relieving the crew member of his iPhone, and wallet containing US$120 in cash, credit cards, and the ship’s ID.
During the violent encounter, Horrocks received injuries to his hands and was later treated by the ships doctor on board the MS Serenissima. The case was reported to the local police.
Local officials expressed regret that the incident occurred and noted that the actions of the perpetrators should not be seen as a representation of the people of Guyana.
MV Serenissima arrived in the port Georgetown with 77 passengers and 57 crew members for a three days visit to the island. Following the arrival in Guyana, Cruise Director, Neil Horrocks was interviewed by the local newspaper Kaieteur News saying, “We’re very, very pleased to be back and have such a wonderful welcome; some ports you go to and its almost a bit like we’re an inconvenience, but here it’s the opposite way around, and it’s very exciting, the passengers came up this morning and said you can feel the vibe coming from the shore side already.”