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Cruise ship rescues 345 people in the Mediterranean Sea

Great search and rescue operation off the coast of Cyprus went today after a distress signal that emitted by boat carrying 345 refugees from Syria. 

Helicopters explore the sea area south of Paphos, 55 nautical miles off the western coast of Cyprus, the Ministry of Defence announced. 

According to Cypriot media, the cruise ship «Salamis Filoxenia», which was sailing towards the port of Limassol, changed course and is now next to the boat. The bad weather conditions make lengthy disembarkation of refugees from the boat and boarding the cruise ship. Syria refugees refuse to get off the cruise ship and claim to go to Italy. Delegation of Syria, is ashore and negotiates with officials, but do not seem to be convinced to get off the boat, which had already been pulled from the planned cruise. If and when they get off the ship, refugees will undergo medical examinations and then be transferred to the reception center who was set up in Kokkinotrimithia. 

"We estimate that around 345 people on-board, most women and children", said representative of the Cyprus Ministry of Defence. "Traveling in a small fishing boat and probably refugees from Syria,".