On Sunday, November 18, NCL cruise ship Norwegian Jade experienced major technical problems while in the port of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The vessel will not be able to continue the scheduled 10 days Caribbean cruise and all passengers will get a full refund. The captain has announced that due to mechanical issues all passengers will have to disembark and fly home by Tuesday. Norwegian Cruise Line will take care of the costs of airfare, and is providing a future cruise credit to all who are onboard. Details regarding the issue are unknown at this moment, but some say that the ship is experiencing engine problems.
Port Authorities in San Juan said that Norwegian Jade was moved from the old San Juan Pier to the Pan American Pier to land all passengers and return them to the United States.
Norwegian Jade captain, Frank Juliussen, notified the passengers in a letter saying “While this issue does not affect the safety of the ship, it will prevent us from sailing our scheduled itinerary. As a result, we will remain alongside in Puerto Rico through Tuesday, November 20th, when all guests will be required to disembark as the ship will undergo several days of repairs."
The cruise line is working on securing charter flights from San Juan to Miami and will pay up to $650 for all passengers who are able to make their own flight arrangements.