A cruise ship has cancelled arrival to Newcastle, Australia scheduled for next weekend, due to climate change protest organized by 350.org.Oceania Officials said they will skip Newcastle port on Sunday October 17th, because of safety cancers for ships passengers and crew. The Port of Newcastle said that decision to cancel the arrival is "a matter for the cruise line".
The protest is supported by the global climate change organization 350.org and Greenpeace. Activist’s goal is to disrupt coal exports from Newcastle for the weekend. They will attempt to block the harbor by launching of the traditional canoes and boats into the water in order to block the access of coal ships. 350.org says that This will be a peaceful demonstration - sending a strong signal to the fossil fuel industry that the people won't stand idly by as the industry sink the Pacific neighbours.
Oceania Insignia has canceled all booked on shore tours in Newcaslte.
Bellow is the video released by the climate change organization 350.