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Passengers Stage Mutiny on NCL cruise ship Norwegian Joy

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Heavy fog that lasted for days at the port of Shanghai has forced several ships to cancel their voyages including the cruise ship Norwegian Joy. According to the local media, after passengers have embarked on March 27 onboard the Norwegian Cruise Line ship, specially dedicated to the Chinese market, they were informed that the voyage is canceled. Following this announcement, hundreds of passengers took to the ship’s guest relations desk to protest. Guests were demanding full reimbursement of the voyage and flight expenses. While most passengers remained calm and rational, some passengers were over-excited during the process of rights protection. They sang China’s national anthem and expressed their revolt over the cancelation. Chinese tourists frequently report that they will collectively sing the national anthem when they are dissatisfied with the service. There was also some confrontation upon which shipboard security was called in to calm down the incident. Here is a video of the incident.

好端端的人,不稱自己是人,偏叫 高級動物 !—— 立馬跟人就不一樣了!

原定于3月27日启航赴日本长崎的诺唯真喜悦号,因吴淞口海域大雾封航无法离港,游客与船员发生冲突,游客国歌维权。 啥子东方之星嘛?喜悦号是美国船东吧?@gugufan1

Posted by 石涛 TV on Thursday, March 29, 2018

The cancellation of Norwegian Joy voyage was due to the heavy fog that was characterized as "meteorological disaster." In response to such extreme weather, Shanghai Maritime Administration imposed traffic control on the waterway for two consecutive days.

Norwegian Joy is a 160,000-ton-class ship which under the visibility of less than 100 meters, it is not safe to get out of a narrow channel. The degree of accident risk is just to high for this maneuver and nothing is more important than safety for the ship and passengers and crew.

