Police in Aruba is investigating a fatal incident that occurred onboard the Royal Princess while the cruise ship was sailing from Willemstad to Oranjestad. According to reports by Cruise Law News a female passenger was pushed or fell from the lido and fell several decks on the top of a lifeboat at around 4 am. Passenger and crew were first alerted to the incident when they heard an announcement around 4:30 a.m. for the security team to respond to deck 7 below the lifeboat number 2. The woman died instantly and many passengers described the scene as gruesome. “We can literally see the lifeboat from our room. Blood and broken glass all over it” says a passenger.
Once the ship arrived in Aruba, today at 8 am, the captain made an announcement that the crime scene investigators were coming on board and no one is allowed to get off until the police cleared the ship. “We are on this ship too. Ten police officers came aboard 20 mins ago. The announcement was a criminal investigation was to be conducted before we are given clearance. Two couples were asked repeatedly to go to customer relations.” says another passenger.
Local Media in Aruba report that a “muscular” man was struggling with the woman and suddenly began choking her. After that, he reportedly pushed her over the railing. Ships Security provided the police with the video footage. There are indications that video cameras have captured the moment in which the man had pushed the woman over the railing. Aruba Police (Korps Politie Aruba) have confirmed the tragic event and will perform an autopsy, to determine the cause of death.