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Princess Cruises

Crew Stories: Free Service of Bar Stewards for Captains Circle Members

Different guests class are best seen in the Captain’s Welcome Party. This would be a complimentary service and all of the bar stewards that are involved would work for the next hour for free because earning money in Princess Cruises as Bar steward was from the sale of the drink on every check 15% would be our part of earning money for that Cruise segment. 

Crew Stories: Firsthand experience with the USPH Cleaning - Failures and Achievements

Submitted by kgnadmin on

My duties while working for Princess Cruises were very clear. As a bar waitress, I need to carry a tray, serve drinks, collect empty glasses and follow USPH procedures (cleaning before inspections). That included wiping the shelves where the bottles are kept, wiping the tables and bar with greater detail, changing the tray for the one with the fruit for cocktails. I would also assist in the cocktail making if the bar was very crowded and wipe the bar one more time before closing.

Bar Rotation on Princess Cruises and Crooners Bar With an Anecdote

The bar manager Janice was English and was very fair during my contract on Island Princess. She would make Bar waiter rotations so that everyone would get a chance to work in different bars. If there were four-bar waiters in one bar, then you would spend four weeks working in that bar and after that, the crew would rotate places. I thought that was really fair. Especially because those that arrive first have the most energy and they would get assigned to work on the open deck right away.