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Princess Cruises

Sun Princess Filipino Crew Not Allowed to Disembark in Manila?

The cruise ship Sun Princess which set sail from Australia in order to return its Filipino and Indonesian crew members back home is facing repatriation problems. Sun Princess is currently off the coast of Manila however some Filipino crew onboard report that they are not allowed to disembark the ship. According to them, the government is not allowing the disembarkation process to begin and they haven’t received any official announcement by the local authorities.

Crew Self-Care: How to Stay Well Until We Re-Embark

Dear Crew Worldwide,

How are you today? We really hope you are managing as well as it is possible in these uncharted waters. We know it’s scary to find ourselves in this new reality with suspended jobs, no certainty and plenty of challenges to come. So, let’s take a few moments and explore the state of our inner world, our inner selves.

Princess Cruises says there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 Onboard Ruby Princess

Following the news after multiply media outlets reported that four people on board Rubi Princess tested positive for COVID-19 after getting off the ship, Princess Cruises said there are no positive cases on board.

In a letter distributed today among Rubi Princess crew members the company said:

Crew to disembark virus-hit Grand Princess over the weekend

The disembarkation process of the crew from the coronavirus-stricken cruise ship Diamond Princess has started today at the Port of Oakland, California. First to disembark are around 400 Filipino crew members and 6 passengers which will be repatriated home with a 747 charter flight scheduled to leave late Saturday afternoon. Two more charter flights are scheduled on Sunday, from SFO for the remaining foreign national passengers and non-essential crew aboard the Grand Princess.