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Royal Caribbean Crew to be Sent Home

Starting this week and throughout the next few weeks, Royal Caribbean International will be sending many of the crew members home. In a letter sent by the President & CEO of Royal Caribbean International Michael Bayley, the crew was informed that the company will provide a flight home and the promise of a return ticket when it is time to come back and join the ships. The crew members will be entitled to 30 days of pay starting from March 25. If it’s not possible to secure flights home due to travel restrictions, or there is someone concerns among the crew about returning home, each one is welcome to stay on board as a non-working crew member with access to accommodations, food, medical assistance and WIFI at no cost.

“This challenging journey we’re on as a cruise line, an industry and, a society is unprecedented. Coronavirus COVID-19 continues to make waves with new, rapid developments each day. You have redefined The ROYAL Way with your friendliness, passion and commitment in these last few weeks as you have adjusted to all of the changes thrown your way.

During the voluntary pause on our cruises, we are doing our best to make good decisions about how we operate our 26 ships. One certainty is that during this pause from service, we will operate at a slower pace than ever before. That is why, beginning this week and throughout the next few weeks, many of our fellow crew members will have their contracts amended and begin to sign off early to travel home and be safe with those they love. Global travel restrictions are evolving in many unexpected ways; however, it is key that we get those of you signing off home safely and as soon as possible. Our crew members will fall into two categories:

Group one: Crew members that will stay on board to ensure the operation and safe navigation of our ships, as well as crew who will ensure the comfort of those staying on board. These crew members will continue to receive their regular pay.

Group two: Crew members whose contracts will be amended will have an effective conclusion date of Wednesday, March 25, 2020. These crew members will be entitled to 30 days of pay from March 25.

We will also provide you with a flight home and the promise of a return ticket when it is time to come back to work. However, if it’s not possible to secure flights home due to travel restrictions – or you have concerns about returning home, period – you are welcome to stay on board as a non-working crew member with access to accommodations, food, medical assistance and WIFI at no cost.” The letter sent to the Royal Caribbean crew reads.

The company is working through all the details as quickly as possible to ensure this is as easy transition for the crew as possible. This was a difficult decision to make, but Royal Caribbean believes it is for the best for all at this time. 

“I speak for the entire executive team at Royal Caribbean when I say we appreciate you. We are a family, and we will get through this together, no matter where we may be around the world. Sincerely, Michael Bayley"