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Royal Caribbean Crew To Receive Goodwill Payment

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Once again Royal Caribbean has proven that the company truly cares about the shipboard employees. Even in these difficult times for all, the company decided each crew member to receive a $400 goodwill pay. In a letter distributed among Royal Caribbean crew members who are still aboard the ships the company said the selected crew are entitled to financial support.

“We recognize that financial stress can be a reality for many during this uncertainty, so we are pleased to let you know that we are granting you a one-time goodwill payment of up to US$400 over the next 30 days. Starting April 25, and calculated daily, you will be granted up to $400 USD paid for a maximum of 30 days or until you sign off the ship, whichever occurs first. This payment is not calculated based on your regular wages since your contract have concluded and you are in a non-working capacity on the ship.

We hope this gesture demonstrates how much we deeply appreciate all that you have endured, and we look forward to the day soon where we are back together and doing what we do best - providing great vacation experience to our guests."