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Shipowners and Seafarers Unions Launch Guidance for Elimination of Harassment and Bullying

Maritime employers and seafarers’ unions have published new international document ‘Guidance on Eliminating Shipboard Harassment and Bullying’. This Guidelines, were developed by (ICS)  International Chamber of Shipping and (ITF) the International Transport Workers’ Federation.

The document was launched in advance of an important (ILO) International Labour Organization Special Tripartite Committee on the (MLC) Maritime Labour Convention, that will be held in February 2016 in Geneva.

Focused on three points of interest this document headlines the following awareness:

Company policy on harassment and bullying

Identifying and reporting incidents of harassment and bullying

Measures to eliminate harassment and bullying

These Guidelines will implement Measures to eliminate harassment and bullying, defining Company disciplinary codes and acts which could constitute harassment and/or bullying 

Examples include:

• Physical assault including sexual assault;

• Intimidation;

• Coercion;

• Interference with the work of other seafarers; and

• Conduct based on gender affecting the dignity of women

To Download Complete Guidance for Elimination of Harassment and Bullying click here.