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Stephen Hawking sets sail on Royal Caribbean cruise ship

The Renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking visited on Wednesday Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was first received by the House of Tourism of the City capital by the Councillor for Tourism, Pablo Barbero; President of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, José Miguel Bravo de Laguna; Insular and Minister of Tourism, Melchor Camon

"I am very satisfied with the performance of Eddie Redmayne," the scientist said for the actor responsible for bringing the story to the screen in the new movie  'The theory of everything'. He also assured that he will return next year to theCanary Islands.

Hawking has reached the capital of Gran Canaria aboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ship 'Independence of the Seas', where he travels to Britain after attending the International Festival for Astronomy in Tenerife. Accompanied by his team of personal assistants, he has arrived early in the morning to thePortofLas Palmas, on 'Independenceof the Seas'. He has performed a private tour of the city and walked around the historic district, Paseo de Las Canteras and Parque deSanta Catalina. The 'Independence of the Seas departed from Pier Santa Catalina en route to his next stop in Lisbon at 17.00.

Considered one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Albert Einstein, his work on the origins and structure of the universe, the Big Bang and black holes, has revolutionized the field of cosmology. In addition, his popular books 'A Brief History of Time' (1988), 'The Universe in a Nutshell' (2001) and 'The Grand Design' (2010), have been translated into dozens of languages and have contributed fundamental way to popularize science of the universe and make it more accessible.


Hawking was diagnosed with ALS, a neurodegenerative disease, at age 21, and despite being in a wheelchair and rely on an automated voice communication, has continued to combine his research in theoretical physics, with trips to attend public lectures, conferences and seminars.