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US Cruise Passenger Rescued by Star Breeze Crew

A 43 year-old female passenger caused panic on board Star Breeze on the night between Saturday and Sunday, while the ship was sailing from Civitavecchia to Portoferraio, Italy. The woman, who was on a cruise with her boyfriend and a group of friends, fell overboard from a height of 15 meters.

It is reported that the woman had consumed alcohol and had argued with her friends before she fell overboard. Fellow passengers alerted the crew of Star Breeze operated by Windstar Cruises around midnight, when they saw the woman fall from the ship. As soon as receiving the alarm, the commander of the Star Breeze Krasimir Ivanov triggered the procedures for the recovery of woman overboard and turned the ship back, alarming the Italian maritime authority of what was happening.

The maneuvers in these cases are particularly laborious and long, given the size of the ship. Yet, after about an hour, the woman was spotted on the same route made by the vessel. Crew members lowered the lifeboat into the sea and recovered the American tourist, in apparent confusion and unaware of what she had done. The woman remained in the sea for an hour and was not seriously injured except soreness in her left side, due to the impact with the sea.