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Princess Cruises

Princess Cruises’ Chef Leprince Honored With Master Chef of France Title

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Princess Cruises has announced that their Director of Guest Culinary Experience, Chef Pierre-Marie Leprince, has been honored with the title Master Chef of France by the prestigious culinary organization, the Association of the Master Chefs of France (L ‘Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France). Chef Leprince was inducted into the association at the organization’s 63rd International Congress of Macau on March 12.

Why aren’t there psychologists on board cruise ships?

Submitted by kgnadmin on

As a former crewmember that has worked for several cruise lines, I can relate to the constant high stress situations that crewmembers must endure on a daily basis. There are so many foreseeable challenges that crewmembers must face when starting a life at sea on the other side of the planet, but there are also some unforeseen ones that can really disrupt what could’ve been a great contract.

Another Cruise Ship Job Scam

Submitted by kgnadmin on

The internet is an increasingly popular place for scamming people. Recently we received an email from a man who contacted a person advertising cruise ship jobs for Princess Cruises on Facebook. The person, Mark John Smith, claiming to be Princess Cruises recruiting partner to send him numerous documents and pictures presented bellow and asked for $300 in fees.