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Celebrity Crew Members two steps ahead of the Competition

Submitted by jozo on
12 years 3 months ago

Celebrity Cruises, worldwide recognized and famous for their five star service, implemented new training program which  gives the newly hired crewmembers head start compared with their colleagues from other cruise companies. New recruits thru the Celebrity Service Academy have opportunity to learn the service procedures in theory and in practice before they join the ship. This great idea was implemented by Celebrity cruises in November 2011 together with Kouzon Corporation from Skopje, Macedonia who is  regions leading recruiting agency for all major cruise lines. Trainings involve topics about Celebrity brand and what it represents, practical exercises including simulation of early and late sitting in the restaurant, body language, proper introduction, menu knowledge, food allergies and even the ship language. In order to bring the dining room closer to the crewmembers, Celebrity instructors brought the whole dining room material (cutlery, menus, waiting trays, plates, covers etc)
Unlike other cruise companies that hire crewmembers and train them onboard, Celebrity crewmembers have edge start. Second step ahead off competition are the instructors involved in this program, the two authorities in cruise industry Celebrity Traveling Restaurant Managers Mr. Dominqe Gamba and Ante Sarlija
On the Celebrity Service Academy We meet crewmembers from Germany, Turkey, Holland, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Romania and Ukraine.
We had a pleasure to interview Mr. Gamba while he was in Skopje and here’s what he had to say:

“The program started in November and I was lucky to open the program with the Human resources Marry Chaussee. With Our team in Miami F&B operation Scot Steenrod and the manager of operations for restaurants Lorenzo Davidoiu and the rest of the team to organize this program for training the staff before joining the ship. We have class every single month with 20 to 30 crewmembers coming from 10 different countries around Europe. This is the sixth Celebrity Service Academy and we have trained already 140 crewmembers from the Recruiting company Kouzon Corporation based in Skopje, Macedonia”

The trainings are held only in Macedonia with Kouzon Corporation?
“The training are held only in Macedonia and might expand later on, but so far is only in Skopje and last one week.”

What topics are discussed on Celebrity Service Academy?
Absolutely everything HR, all topics about service procedures. Like today we just finish lunch where crewmembers served each other, giving the welcoming speech, presenting the menu taking the order and providing service just like they will in Celebrity Dining room.

How are your satisfied with the cooperation between Celebrity Cruises and your recruiting partner Kouzon Corporation?

We are very proud to work with Kouzon because they hire highly experienced people from all Balkan countries like Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey. This time we have more ladies around 16 and 4 gentleman and all of them have experience in hospitality business. Celebrity Cruises tries to maintain strong relationship with Kouzon and to keep in touch with them”

Do you follow up the students to see how much this program helps them?

The program is very successful because We follow as well. Our Manager of Operations Lorenzo and the traveling restaurant manager Ante are coming to conduct this classes and we rotate with the trainings. This is my second time conducting this training in Macedonia, Ante was here 4 times and Lorenzo once. We follow the students and we can see that once they board on Celebrity ships they are very successful. First contract they come as assistant waiters but already second contract they are in the gap pool for becoming waiters. This is a great program and the new recruits really well integrate in our structure and this is a great initiative for me to have this students going on the ship with some knowledge. I remember when I was assistant waiter 20 years ago, I didn’t have any clue what will I get . Here we answer every single question that they have about salary, how many hours they going to work, about service procedures and the menu items, wine, sprits or different specialty restaurants that we have onboard Celebrity Cruises. This training  is great initiative for familiarizing the crew with Celebrity Cruises Brand.

How is the feedback from this training?
“The feedback is very good and personally I give the credit to the people who come with Us from human resources. Dave Camous  who is our Training and Development Manager for Silhouette was in Skopje and participated in this training for two days. I travel from ship to ship and overtime I check on the new recruits who went thru this Academy and I can see great feedback and progress in their professional development.
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