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Costa Cruises

Cruise Lines Update: Crew Mask Policy

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As the health situation related to COVID-19 continues to improve across the world, most cruise lines have started to relax the mask policy for the crew. Crew Center has talked to crew members working on several major cruise lines to find out what are the latest crew mask policies. Surprisingly most of them said that masks are now optional and not a requirement in all crew and guest areas.

Brazil eliminates Covid vaccination requirements for cruise passengers

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Preparations for the upcoming South American cruise season are well underway, with a record number of cruise ships scheduled to visit 17 destinations in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The 2022/2023 season will be the longest one in the past decade, spanning from October 29, 2022 to April 20, 2023. The leaders in the region’s cruise market MSC and Costa Cruises will deploy a total of eight ships.

Letter from Costa crew member: How do we fit in the future of our company with ship transfers and lay-ups?

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Crew Center received a letter from Costa Cruises crew member expressing his concerns about the latest transfer of Costa Luminosa, and two additional ships to Carnival Cruise Line, in regards to what will happen to the crew and the future of the company. Lack of clarity when and if other Costa ships, currently in lay-up, are expected to restart, is leaving many crew members in limbo. 

Join CruiSea the social app for guests and crew

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Welcome to CruiSea, the most advanced social app for guests and crew to meet, connect and benefit from the discounts in ports or aboard the ships.

After years in preparation by cruise industry seasoned professionals and IT specialists, CruiSea is proud to present its final product of this unique app. CruiSea bringing the cruise community together and boosting the social ship life.

Costa Luminosa completes final voyage for Costa Cruises

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Costa Luminosa has completed its final voyage as a Costa Cruises ship and is now one step closer to joining Carnival Cruise Line as Carnival Luminosa.

What's next for the soon-to-be hybrid cruise ship? When she arrived in Trieste, Italy on Sunday, September 4, 2022, Costa Luminosa officially completed her final sailing with Costa Cruises.

Costa Concordia Crew Member Honored Gold Medal for Civil Valor - Giuseppe lost his life to save two children

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Finally, after 10 years the Italian Republic will honor the late Costa Cruises crew member Giuseppe Girolamo, with the highest award for Civil Valor. The award honors Giuseppe’s act of exceptional courage that clearly manifest solidarity, recognizing his heroic act to save others during the Costa Concordia disaster.

Costa Cruises Captain Receives Bronze Medal of Merit for Rescue Operations Of The Burning Ship Kilic

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Costa Cruises commander, Captain Pietro Sinisi was awarded with the Bronze Medal of Merit by Marina. The ceremony took place yesterday in Rome, at the General Command of the Port Authority Corps - Coast Guard, in the presence of the Commander General, Chief Inspector Admiral Nicola Carlone.