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Crew Insights

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

How to deal with negative guest comments?

Submitted by kgnadmin on

One of crew members' most challenging tasks while working on cruise ships is keeping all guests happy. Different guest requirements, needs, and expectations are always hard to please. Crew members on board the ship are trained and experienced to anticipate customer expectations. Yet, no matter how hard we try- some people will always be unhappy. Regardless of the crew member's efforts, some guests are just focused on finding mistakes and something to complain about.

How much free time crew members have in the port, and what they usually do?

Submitted by kgnadmin on

When you work on a cruise ship, time off is very important to maintain a healthy mindset and productivity. Most crew members use every single minute to get off the ship, even a short stroll at the cruise ship Terminal. To be completely honest, working in the bar department as a bar waiter and bartender gave me a lot of time off. Whenever the ship docks in the Port, most guests go outside, meaning few bartenders and bar servers are required to be on duty.

Perks of Working as a Cruise Ship Officer

Submitted by kgnadmin on

The officer position on a cruise ship is one of the best jobs in the world. Of course, as any other iceberg, we can only see the beautiful side of it. Underneath that iceberg is huge sacrifice, commitment, years of challenging tests in nautical school, and many other things. But when everything gets perfectly in balance, and when hard work pays off, the reward is fabulous.

Injuries on cruise ship

Submitted by kgnadmin on

On a cruise ship, there are many places with a significant risk of injury. Most companies are spending a lot of money on adequate training to raise awareness about proper behavior and conduct to reduce the number of accidents. Still, there are thousands of injuries on cruise ships worldwide every day. Whenever the crew member steps on board the ship, there is much information about maintaining the safety level on an acceptable scale. 

Bar Steward - the true engine behind the bar operations on cruise ship

Submitted by kgnadmin on

In the company where I have spent nearly a decade, the bar steward position was one of the toughest jobs. There were two primary ways in which people got that kind of job on the cruise ship. Number one was by getting a job on the land through the agency. I don't know how much clarity and credibility the agency information provided to the candidates on the land for the bar steward job. However, the second way of getting the bar steward job was internally from the cruise ship company.