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Crew Insights

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

Dumbest Things People do on Cruise Caught on Video

Submitted by kgnadmin on

On land or at sea people do dumb things. I don’t know why, but the dumber tings you do on cruise and post it on internet you can become some kind of local celebrity. This was the case with the 17-year-old girl Annie Schwenker from South Carolina. She took an ugly fall on a stair railing (some media say hilarious fall) on a cruise ship while her friend recorded the video.  Believed or not, Annie ended up as a guest star on the Comedy Central for her epic fall. 

Here is our top 5 list of dumbest things people do on cruise ship.

Crew Pickup Lines that only Work on Cruise Ships

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Love life for the crew is unique just like the entire working and social environment at sea. Unlike on land when you have much more time for dating, crew romance is unique. From our experience, we selected five pickup lines that only work on a cruise ship combined with photos. Some of them work, some not, some are cheesy other romantic. For the ex-crew members, this pickup lines will put a smile on their faces and bring back old memories. We hope you enjoy.

1. Pickup Line - Wanna go on open deck and watch the stars.

Crewmember Insurance Basics & The Suicide Clause

Submitted by kgnadmin on

When cruise line employees are hired, they are entitled to certain insurance benefits if they become ill or injured while onboard. Unfortunately, cruise lines often blame the crewmember, alleging that the accident was their fault, in an effort to defend claims made by the crewmember. Matters become even more complicated when a death ensues from the accident. When there is no one to defend the deceased crewmember’s point of view, the family, who would otherwise be entitled to life insurance benefits, may be forced to forsake their claims.

How to Avoid Negative Guest Comments on Cruise ship

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Working on a cruise ship can be very demanding and stressful. Long hours, not enough rest, and missing home can contribute towards the unhappiness of crew members. The motivation for every crew member is money and positive guest comment cards. Money gives crew members freedom to plan their future further than the cruise ship and positive guest comments give them an opportunity to get more money faster. 

Who Are Best and Worst Cruise Ship Tippers?

Submitted by kgnadmin on

People working on cruise ship in Dining room department, Bar department and Housekeeping depend on tips since most of their salary comes from the guests gratuities. Guests from all around the world board on cruise ship and depending on their culture they tip well or poor. When I was working on cruise ship as a waiter I could tell who will leave tip for the provided service and who will just shake your hand at the end of the cruise without leaving single penny. If you work on cruise ship, you have probably developed this professional instinct already.

New Smart Phone App Lets Cruise Ship Crewmembers Document Accident Claims Quickly

Submitted by kgnadmin on

If you work for any major cruise line, you know that accidents can – and often do – happen. Whether the incident involves a slip and fall on cruise ship, kitchen accident, assault, equipment failure injury, or even an outbreak, being out at sea makes it much easier to become the victim of a cruise ship injury or crime. Unfortunately, being out on the high seas often prevents crewmembers from obtaining justice for any crimes or the proper medical attention they need to recover from any injuries sustained.

How to overcome stress when working on cruise ship?

Submitted by kgnadmin on

The first thing you will hear from people working on a cruise ship is that the working hours are long (10 to 14 hours a day). For average people on land, this is too much for one working day. However as you all know people work on cruise ships, some even for 10+ years, and they are ok with this. Long working hours are nothing compared to stress at work and the new ship environment that the first timers face when working on a cruise ship. Stress is the reason why crew members quit on their first contract.

Amazing Gadgets for Cruise Ship Crew Members

Submitted by kgnadmin on

For all gadget freaks working on cruise ship we chosen the coolest hi-tech gadgets which can make your experience more enjoyable in the ports you are visiting. After the long working hours you have limited time to explore the ports and run back to the ship for your next shift. We believe that this gadgets will make your ship life easier and more fun.

Nixie - wearable camera that can fly