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Ship Life

Celebrity Infinity Crew Members Tests Positive for COVID-19

A crew member on the cruise ship Celebrity Infinity tested positive for COVID-19.  The crew member disembarked the ship on March 21, and was sent to hospital in Florida for testing. As soon as his symptoms were reported he was isolated and then disembarked the ship. 

Celebrity Infinity crew received the following letter on 23 March:

Crew Self-Care: How to Stay Well Until We Re-Embark

Dear Crew Worldwide,

How are you today? We really hope you are managing as well as it is possible in these uncharted waters. We know it’s scary to find ourselves in this new reality with suspended jobs, no certainty and plenty of challenges to come. So, let’s take a few moments and explore the state of our inner world, our inner selves.

Viking Crew to Receive Goodwill Payment - The New Hires Eligible for Financial Support

Viking Cruises, one of the world’s fastest-growing luxury cruise lines announced a quite generous financial compensation for its crew amid the global coronavirus crisis. in order to ensure the Viking employees continue to receive salary for the following months, the company has presented the crew of their ocean cruise ships with the following plan which will be in effect starting April 1.

P&O Australia Fleet Sailing to the Philippines and Indonesia

After the order by the NSW Police all cruise ships to leave Australian waters and return to their home ports, P&O Australia has decided its cruise ships will set sail to the Philippines and Indonesia to bring their crew members back home. The company primary focus right now is the common safety of all the crew and to get as many of the crew home as soon as possible.

Aida Cruises Announces Crew Compensation Guideline

The German cruise line AIDA Cruises has announced the plan for their crew members currently on board the ships. Due to the longer time out of operation, the company will start to repatriate as many as possible non-essential crew back home. The crew who will be sent home earlier than one month before the contract expires will receive full payment until disembarkation, plus two additional monthly basic salaries.

Crew Story: I survived COVID-19, I won the battle against the virus

Submitted by kgnadmin on

COVID-19 has managed to put so much fear into the hearts of people all over the world with crew members experiencing more than average fear due to being away from family and friends support. In times of uncertainty and fear, it is a good idea to share something that can alleviate this at least a little and to know that people survive.